Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Time- Never enough for everything

Life is busy as it always seems to be, whether your battling out those final semesters in school or even planning a vacation, time always seems to keep you going and it sometimes seem there isn't enough of it. No different for us, Carynn just finished out her second to last semester at the University of Utah and looks forward to a summer away from the text books and into more novels, working at a garden nursery and choreographing for community theater. I am in the middle of a run of 'The Three Musketeers' at Hale Center theater and am also looking forward to a break. As both of us were hitting the limit with work, school, shows, work and everything else; we planned an impromptu vacation for four days to Las Vegas. It was all revolved around relaxing and we got exactly that. Fun at the pool enjoying the nice 80 degree weather, fun shows to enjoy and just being with each other as that seems to be a rare commodity in our lives right now. We are both looking forward to summer and our exciting vacations planned to Lava Hot springs, Bear Lake, and Havasupai (most excited for that one). Not to mention a summer of Bees Baseball (as long as the weather holds out which it hasn't been)! So as we push on coming to the end of our busy schedules, we only find ourselves jumping into yet another pool of time envelopment and enjoyment. We wish everyone the best this coming summer and hope that all your time is used in the best way you think possible. One idea- turn off the T.V. and get outside (that is if the rain will give us all a break)!

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